My thoughts

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Moving, Moving, MoViNg!!!!!!

Today is the 1st day of many to come!
I opened and filled a box !
Never thought that a useless phonebook (these days, at least) would come in so much handy, as it does to rip out pages, and wrap my little nick nacks! Just keep in mind, to wash your hands after because the ink gets EvRyWhErE! (as I can see now as I glance at my white (now grey) key board! haha

The excitement started at the pit of my stomach.. A feeling of anxiety--- waiting for the new change, new adventure, new beginning (temporary beginning!) The feeling of wait... waiting for a bit step...
And then it slowly creeps into my heart... where it palpitates with happiness and bliss! The feeling of courageousness to pack up and leave... to go to a place I have never been before...
and then confidence, because I know my Lord and my husband are right there to walk me thru it... to take some of the weight of stress off.. and to join me in this new adventure....
The more I think about it, the faster my hands move... the quicker I wrap, pack, and tape! As if the faster I do it today, will somehow bump the move date closer...

Church's message this session is to create margin in your life.....
There is so much common - WONDERFUL- sense to that.....
When you are prepared and two steps ahead-- the stress doesn't build.... the feeling of forgetting something, of never being ontop of things... room for marginal error is the best step to make....

I sit here-- looking around our little apartment... # 2 of many to come... white walls are a symbol of change to me... they are boring and dull, lifeless, w/o character.. but they stand for change in my mind... Moving into my 1st barracks room, knowing that I am finally on my own, confined to 4 walls of solitude and adulthood.. those were my walls.. my walls of the United States Marine Corps... and as they were built up with design, they were taken down with change.. one deployment to another, one country to another, one room mate to another.... until --- the final move to my 1st apartment with my soul mate... It was a sad day for me, but exciting.. I knew I was leaving behind wonderful memories of barracks life... a HUGE apartment, full of friends...
and on into an empty apartment.. waiting to be filled with new memories of a new marriage, life, love, excitement... and whereas that apartment was stripped bare from memories, this one was built.... and within a year.. this one is taken down, packed up, and will be stored... until another day when life permits us to unpack these boxes of life.....
Maybe the next time we pack, it'll be filled with baby clothes, booties, and binkies (or whatever they are called)...

Who knows where the next move will take us...
I'm just so excited to be making this one....

Lord, be with us.... as we move forward... :o)

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