The beach it hot beneath my feet... But I've made my little cubby hole in the sand in which I use instead of a lawn chair.
About 87 degrees today an the caribbean water is cool, only when you are hot.
I live the cruzian life right now. I relax in the sun, without a care on mind, sipping my cruzian coconut rum an diet coke. 25% alcohol you say? Well I haven't noticed, as my cups are 1/2 n 1/2.
I'm reading a magazine; one the I've never seen before, Combat Arms... I found an article about a marine during desert storm... Naturally, even if I have no clue about weaponry- to the extent of acronyms, I must read the article, because he is my fellow brother. The 1st line strikes my interest as he states that he is from Grand Rapids, Michigan - a place I lived for a short period of dark times in my youth...
He's on a mission, traveling thru Iraq- to find artwork on tanks and hummers. The pit of my stomach warms an turns while I get a lump in my throat. There's something about the Marine Corps that I long for.. I long for the brotherhood, the Friday nights, an the friendships an memories you make on deployment. Yes, deployments are fun- unfortunately, my husband has a different perspective of deployments then I do, as he was a "real Marine" as I like to call him... But my memories are amazing..
I read these notes an stories from this former Marines, an can only imagine that his feelings are stronger then mine.
I miss the Corps. I miss it everyday. The 0645 formations, mandatory company PT for veterans day. I'd do anything to run with 3,000 other Marines on a mandatory order.
I love you marines.. An don't think for a second that I am not going to grow old like the man at the VFW talking about Charlie... N the boys... you will always be part of the fondest memories of my brian housing group...and part of my life that could never be replaced by the excitement that the corps brought to me...
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