What's it mean to be a good wife?
am I a good wife? Are there other wives out there who don't come home grumpy because they forgot to have lunch an tale it out on their hubby?
What is the usual- an what classifies me as high maint. ? I don't want to clean to bottom of the freezer that has rotten meat juice festering...when the dishes are really bad--- sometimes I'm not in the mood...
Are there woman out there that are pleasant- all the time? Whom have the house clean everyday by the time he comes home?? With supper almost done?
I'm not even talking about Suzey Homemaker... Just woman that can maintain their extremes...
Wives that don't lose that sex drive after they are married-- an that focus all their attention to their husbands when he is talking- bcuz he does it for you...
When we notice there is something you'd like to change about yourself, how do you change? Becoming less talkative is not like quitting smoking. Learning patience for me would be comparable to sawing off a limb with a plastic spork while being caught on a camping trip...it's pretty much the hardest lesson to learn..
And when you pray for patience--- God doesn't GIVE u anything... But he gives you opportunities to practice patience--- an unless you are paying attention--- you don't realize this is a test-- an you fail miserably..
On that note--- what if this is all just a lie? A front. Telling myself that I am a certain way long enough--- will I eventually believe it, an change??
I want to be a good Christian... An I see myself failing... How does one control their own thoughts an mind-- or dreams for that matter.. Do I have to go live with the Monks to learn to quite my thoughts... Bcuz at any given time I am thinking of about 600 different topics it feels like..
Do marriage workshops really work? How long does it take for a person to actually change a "character-flaw"?
By all means- I'm not in a crisis--- just some things I'm thinking about...
How do I listen?
How do I talk less- an hear more---
In the book of James he says...
..." be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slower to anger..."
Isn't that a lesson we should all learn...
My Pastor once said-- he can always tell a person by how much they talk.. Normally a talker does just that... Talks the talk- an does little action... An a listener is quick to work...
I'm 25 years old, happily married the greatest man I've ever met..for 2 years and 1 month.. An this man listens... An he's patient with me... He is hard working... He's not moody when he's hungry... Doesn't get pissy with me when I go have fun while he has to work... He forgives me when I'm being s dumb drunk ( which I'm happy I don't drink like I used to)
How did I get so lucky to marry the man that I wish to learn from...
But why can't I learn from him-- another thing ice discovered-- woman get irritated when their spouse tries to teach them something....
Just some thoughts.. Leave a comment if you have answers ;0)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wow- I just wrote an entire blog via my iPhone completely exploiting my inner conceded self... An it got erased before I could post it...
Monday, May 23, 2011
Today I feel meh.
I am work 10 x's slower then normal.. but considering who is writing this blog--- the bar is set low for my set standard of work ethic..
We have bridal parties that come in... spend 40 $ of champagne and oj... an have 2 drinks an leave it here....
I feel hung over.. and i did everything i could to drink a ton of water last night....
didnt matter...
the effect are still the same.. at this rate i should have gotten wasted.. but- trying to practice my Christianity --- i am making an honest effort to control my consumption.. but sometimes--- i dont even notice and my bottle of red is empty.. ??? how did this happen???
rekindling old friendships is a skill that requires you to be able to have an interesting enough life currently to be able to talk about anything--- besides all the same stories from high school..
recently-- an old friend whom i have not cared for for years... do to insulting banter back an forth... we've started to chit chat again... an as i can ALMOST remember... there were reason behind the friendship in the beginning.. I like talking to this fellow.. only when he's being nice..
and then i wonder.. how did he get so smart? i never pictured him with lots of brains up there-- due to the fact of his extra curricular activities he indulged himself in... but he really is...
its kind of annoying-actually... because it just reminds myself that i'm retarded...
but just goes to show-- you can never judge a book by their cover....
on that note-- my day is coming to an end-- i've literally spent 6 hours on fb... someone shoot me..
ps- best part about my day... i found a new blog... yummysmells.blogspot.com
ta ta for now!
I am work 10 x's slower then normal.. but considering who is writing this blog--- the bar is set low for my set standard of work ethic..
We have bridal parties that come in... spend 40 $ of champagne and oj... an have 2 drinks an leave it here....
I feel hung over.. and i did everything i could to drink a ton of water last night....
didnt matter...
the effect are still the same.. at this rate i should have gotten wasted.. but- trying to practice my Christianity --- i am making an honest effort to control my consumption.. but sometimes--- i dont even notice and my bottle of red is empty.. ??? how did this happen???
rekindling old friendships is a skill that requires you to be able to have an interesting enough life currently to be able to talk about anything--- besides all the same stories from high school..
recently-- an old friend whom i have not cared for for years... do to insulting banter back an forth... we've started to chit chat again... an as i can ALMOST remember... there were reason behind the friendship in the beginning.. I like talking to this fellow.. only when he's being nice..
and then i wonder.. how did he get so smart? i never pictured him with lots of brains up there-- due to the fact of his extra curricular activities he indulged himself in... but he really is...
its kind of annoying-actually... because it just reminds myself that i'm retarded...
but just goes to show-- you can never judge a book by their cover....
on that note-- my day is coming to an end-- i've literally spent 6 hours on fb... someone shoot me..
ps- best part about my day... i found a new blog... yummysmells.blogspot.com
ta ta for now!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
**Must Do's** of STX -- for my Mel & Scott
In light of some very good friends friends of mine coming to St. Croix , USVI after we leave here... I decided to take the time to make a list of things that you must do while on island..
these are just a few of the favorites.. but after a week you should have a pretty good sense of what STX is all about and have a fulfilled trip!
most importantly-- remember.. just kick back, relax -- and go with the flow! that's what it's all about.. and drink plenty of the local rum.. don't work the ALC% is about 2% :o)
Love you both- and home you have a riot while you are down here!
***St. Croix Landmarks and History..
Google "St. Croix Sugar Mills" and click on images--gives you a pretty good idea of how cool they are :o)
***SCUBA -- St. Croix Scuba -- about $495.00 for your PADI scuba cert. Life long-- great diving here.. and a ton of fun! Ask for Erika Fisher (my roommate) or Clint Briggs for instructors...
***Fredricksted and Christiansted are the two city's on island.. Like I said earlier... C'sted is much larger and more shopping -- the boardwalk wraps around the 5 blocks of downtown and has some nice places to eat.. I recommend going to Angry Nate's for lunch sometimes and get the "Jerked Mahi Mahi wrap with mango aioli sauce" YUM YUM YUM!
***Brew pub is a nice place for drinks -- it's right next to The Mill that is also on the boardwalk.. normally live music playing.. not sure what will be open/playing during that time of year...
***Tide Pool review --- have not done it yet-- but have heard RAVE reviews!
***Point Udall - eastern most part of the US --- very cool.. I'll tag you in a photo of mine to see when we were there! very easy to get there!
***If nothing else-- you HAVE to leave with one of these.. both of you! Cruzan hook bracelet! - make sure you get it from Sonya's... its the original maker-- read the history.. she makes one for every hurricane too.. i have the basic hook..
***Crab races -- some local fun !
***Chenay Bay --- Mahi's is the little resturant on the beach there-- an they have .50$ buffalo wings on Thursday nights
here is there deals ---> Mahi's
***Rainforest-- kinda cool.. but just a rainforest.. STX Rainforest
***Cane Bay -- GREAT beach! my favorite on the island.. and when you are there.. you HAVE to order a "Lime in the Coconut" Carl is the bartender and he makes a great one.. if he is still there tell him Gloria "the passive aggressive Marine" sent you---
***Cruzan Rum Factory tour -- and last .. but CERTAINLY .. not least.. you must take a tour thru the Cruzan Rum factory.. for a mere 5$ or so-- you tour and sample as much as you want!
***I really hope this helps.. and feel free to call me if you need anything.. while preparing for this trip... or after you are already here... I'm only a phone call away
PS: AT&T works great down here... service almost everywhere.. Verizon charges you roaming fees...
these are just a few of the favorites.. but after a week you should have a pretty good sense of what STX is all about and have a fulfilled trip!
most importantly-- remember.. just kick back, relax -- and go with the flow! that's what it's all about.. and drink plenty of the local rum.. don't work the ALC% is about 2% :o)
Love you both- and home you have a riot while you are down here!
***St. Croix Landmarks and History..
Google "St. Croix Sugar Mills" and click on images--gives you a pretty good idea of how cool they are :o)
***SCUBA -- St. Croix Scuba -- about $495.00 for your PADI scuba cert. Life long-- great diving here.. and a ton of fun! Ask for Erika Fisher (my roommate) or Clint Briggs for instructors...
***Fredricksted and Christiansted are the two city's on island.. Like I said earlier... C'sted is much larger and more shopping -- the boardwalk wraps around the 5 blocks of downtown and has some nice places to eat.. I recommend going to Angry Nate's for lunch sometimes and get the "Jerked Mahi Mahi wrap with mango aioli sauce" YUM YUM YUM!
***Brew pub is a nice place for drinks -- it's right next to The Mill that is also on the boardwalk.. normally live music playing.. not sure what will be open/playing during that time of year...
***Tide Pool review --- have not done it yet-- but have heard RAVE reviews!
***Point Udall - eastern most part of the US --- very cool.. I'll tag you in a photo of mine to see when we were there! very easy to get there!
***If nothing else-- you HAVE to leave with one of these.. both of you! Cruzan hook bracelet! - make sure you get it from Sonya's... its the original maker-- read the history.. she makes one for every hurricane too.. i have the basic hook..
***Crab races -- some local fun !
***Chenay Bay --- Mahi's is the little resturant on the beach there-- an they have .50$ buffalo wings on Thursday nights
here is there deals ---> Mahi's
***Rainforest-- kinda cool.. but just a rainforest.. STX Rainforest
***Cane Bay -- GREAT beach! my favorite on the island.. and when you are there.. you HAVE to order a "Lime in the Coconut" Carl is the bartender and he makes a great one.. if he is still there tell him Gloria "the passive aggressive Marine" sent you---
***Cruzan Rum Factory tour -- and last .. but CERTAINLY .. not least.. you must take a tour thru the Cruzan Rum factory.. for a mere 5$ or so-- you tour and sample as much as you want!
***I really hope this helps.. and feel free to call me if you need anything.. while preparing for this trip... or after you are already here... I'm only a phone call away
PS: AT&T works great down here... service almost everywhere.. Verizon charges you roaming fees...
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Living w/in your means- but beyond your limits.
Ever catch yourself sitting there.... maybe on the living room floor, watching your child crawl around-- and your zoned in on the one piece of carpet... at work typing an email ---an ur gazing out the window.... sitting in a waiting room--- and the grout between the tiles captivates your stare....
and you can't help but feel this overwhelming desire of something more??? something bigger???
Limits that are supposed to be pushed.. walls that you should break down....
You know there is more to what you are doing...
I'm not talking about regretting where you are.. I'm talking about taking the next step into what's going to scare you.. because what we are unfamiliar with... does just that--- scare us.
but is that not the scare that we are missing-- as we zone out with that pit of your stomach burning with desire??
is this something that will always happen to us? or is it something we should follow?
do we ignore it? or do we stand up and start running...
but run to what? just run till you find a challenge??
I feel like there is something more....
I don't even know what it is??
Is it more school?? (i hope not)
is it my spa that i want to build someday????
weight i want to loose?
a body i want to tone??
is it a desire to take charge of the areas that i feel are out of control? or the desire to start somthing that i never thought i would have the guts to do...
I don't know what it is today...
but i think i am going to focus on this feeling...
maybe it will lead me to my next adventure...
and you can't help but feel this overwhelming desire of something more??? something bigger???
Limits that are supposed to be pushed.. walls that you should break down....
You know there is more to what you are doing...
I'm not talking about regretting where you are.. I'm talking about taking the next step into what's going to scare you.. because what we are unfamiliar with... does just that--- scare us.
but is that not the scare that we are missing-- as we zone out with that pit of your stomach burning with desire??
is this something that will always happen to us? or is it something we should follow?
do we ignore it? or do we stand up and start running...
but run to what? just run till you find a challenge??
I feel like there is something more....
I don't even know what it is??
Is it more school?? (i hope not)
is it my spa that i want to build someday????
weight i want to loose?
a body i want to tone??
is it a desire to take charge of the areas that i feel are out of control? or the desire to start somthing that i never thought i would have the guts to do...
I don't know what it is today...
but i think i am going to focus on this feeling...
maybe it will lead me to my next adventure...
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
ya know--- most of you know me... and if you are paying any attention... like i was trying to this morning...I seem to be really really really happy...
I dont know if it was the move... if its my marriage, family, life, freedom, the desire to do anything i want to do.. and do it???
maybe a mix of all of them.. but i have just been feeling very blessed in life..
We recently (last week) moved from the little studio down here into a 2 BR apartment with a girl i met down here..( she was my scuba instructor.. and shes amazing.. not just amazing.. but the type of amazing that when you meet someone you know instantly that you should be friends with them.... ) and that's how it is...
so- we moved into this apartment.. on the boardwalk-- down town on the water... beautiful... love it...
Makes me wonder if we would have moved in here 1st, would my opinion of STX be different? would I be okay with staying down here for a year.... instead of leaving in June??? but when are we leaving?? Well- there are a few reasons..
the very 1st one was.. because I was scared.. something new and different and living where you have never been before, theres a slight amount of "movers remorse" as I call it. ...or maybe " bit of more then you can chew - remorse" so that was the enitial shock... and it was pretty stressfull.. then we relaxed and settled in a little bit..
then it came down to learning how the town / island shuts down in the summer time.. no one really travels down here after june/july and i thought-- well, i wont be able to make a living down here....
then there came the whole "family" thing... I want to start a family.. an be close to danny's family... well in order to have / start our family- there are things that I need to do 1st... I need to set up our retirement.. I need to settle in somewhere long enough to make enough money, that i can actually have insurance.. inorder to do that, i need to build a cliental... in order to do that , i have to sit still for a few years..
so- i am not sure what has to be done.. but I figure this was an AMAZING time in our life.. and a great adventure! I will never be 50 years old and say , "man- i wish i could have moved to the virgin islands when i had the chance..." actually- 90 % of the choices i make.. the deciding factor is just that..will i ever get another chance to do this??? yes/no?? doesnt frankly matter.. cuz.. IM DOING IT!
you are the sum total of all choices you make in life--- i cant preach this enough... if you dont like where you are... CHANGE IT! do something else! it takes nothing! nothing at all.. and as my father always says.. "if there's a will.. there's a man named Bill"..... so what that means to me-- is that you can make anything happen and the only challenging part is to leave you comfort zone- and if you look at it in that light-- that seems like a pretty silly reason not to do something...
even if you make the choice-- an decide its not what you wanted.. or expected.. there is no shame on trying something else..
I feel like the colors of my life are just a little bit brighter today....
The wind is a little more cooler...
and this coffee is... well, amazing.
I wonder how many people I actually impact????
really this is just a blog of my rants/raves... gabbing on about my life and how happy I am... some what of a personal journal that I let me exposed to anyone that really cares... hence the title... is there really people out there that read what nonsense I have to say and take it into consideration??? as if they will wake up tomorrow with an better out look on life??? with a desire to change their life....
i dunno... i guess we'll never know what kind of waves come from our ripples...
ya know--- most of you know me... and if you are paying any attention... like i was trying to this morning...I seem to be really really really happy...
I dont know if it was the move... if its my marriage, family, life, freedom, the desire to do anything i want to do.. and do it???
maybe a mix of all of them.. but i have just been feeling very blessed in life..
We recently (last week) moved from the little studio down here into a 2 BR apartment with a girl i met down here..( she was my scuba instructor.. and shes amazing.. not just amazing.. but the type of amazing that when you meet someone you know instantly that you should be friends with them.... ) and that's how it is...
so- we moved into this apartment.. on the boardwalk-- down town on the water... beautiful... love it...
Makes me wonder if we would have moved in here 1st, would my opinion of STX be different? would I be okay with staying down here for a year.... instead of leaving in June??? but when are we leaving?? Well- there are a few reasons..
the very 1st one was.. because I was scared.. something new and different and living where you have never been before, theres a slight amount of "movers remorse" as I call it. ...or maybe " bit of more then you can chew - remorse" so that was the enitial shock... and it was pretty stressfull.. then we relaxed and settled in a little bit..
then it came down to learning how the town / island shuts down in the summer time.. no one really travels down here after june/july and i thought-- well, i wont be able to make a living down here....
then there came the whole "family" thing... I want to start a family.. an be close to danny's family... well in order to have / start our family- there are things that I need to do 1st... I need to set up our retirement.. I need to settle in somewhere long enough to make enough money, that i can actually have insurance.. inorder to do that, i need to build a cliental... in order to do that , i have to sit still for a few years..
so- i am not sure what has to be done.. but I figure this was an AMAZING time in our life.. and a great adventure! I will never be 50 years old and say , "man- i wish i could have moved to the virgin islands when i had the chance..." actually- 90 % of the choices i make.. the deciding factor is just that..will i ever get another chance to do this??? yes/no?? doesnt frankly matter.. cuz.. IM DOING IT!
you are the sum total of all choices you make in life--- i cant preach this enough... if you dont like where you are... CHANGE IT! do something else! it takes nothing! nothing at all.. and as my father always says.. "if there's a will.. there's a man named Bill"..... so what that means to me-- is that you can make anything happen and the only challenging part is to leave you comfort zone- and if you look at it in that light-- that seems like a pretty silly reason not to do something...
even if you make the choice-- an decide its not what you wanted.. or expected.. there is no shame on trying something else..
I feel like the colors of my life are just a little bit brighter today....
The wind is a little more cooler...
and this coffee is... well, amazing.
I wonder how many people I actually impact????
really this is just a blog of my rants/raves... gabbing on about my life and how happy I am... some what of a personal journal that I let me exposed to anyone that really cares... hence the title... is there really people out there that read what nonsense I have to say and take it into consideration??? as if they will wake up tomorrow with an better out look on life??? with a desire to change their life....
i dunno... i guess we'll never know what kind of waves come from our ripples...
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