Today I feel meh.
I am work 10 x's slower then normal.. but considering who is writing this blog--- the bar is set low for my set standard of work ethic..
We have bridal parties that come in... spend 40 $ of champagne and oj... an have 2 drinks an leave it here....
I feel hung over.. and i did everything i could to drink a ton of water last night....
didnt matter...
the effect are still the same.. at this rate i should have gotten wasted.. but- trying to practice my Christianity --- i am making an honest effort to control my consumption.. but sometimes--- i dont even notice and my bottle of red is empty.. ??? how did this happen???
rekindling old friendships is a skill that requires you to be able to have an interesting enough life currently to be able to talk about anything--- besides all the same stories from high school..
recently-- an old friend whom i have not cared for for years... do to insulting banter back an forth... we've started to chit chat again... an as i can ALMOST remember... there were reason behind the friendship in the beginning.. I like talking to this fellow.. only when he's being nice..
and then i wonder.. how did he get so smart? i never pictured him with lots of brains up there-- due to the fact of his extra curricular activities he indulged himself in... but he really is...
its kind of annoying-actually... because it just reminds myself that i'm retarded...
but just goes to show-- you can never judge a book by their cover....
on that note-- my day is coming to an end-- i've literally spent 6 hours on fb... someone shoot me..
ps- best part about my day... i found a new blog...
ta ta for now!
"whom i have not cared for"